February Is Dental Special Month At Siena Animal Hospital!

Siena Animal Hospital is ready to get your fur babies’ teeth and gums taken care of.  We offer free dental exams to give you an assessment of what needs to be done. 

Proper dental hygiene is essential for your pet’s health.  Periodontal disease (accumulation of tartar and gingivitis that leads to tooth loss) is the most common disease in dogs and cats, and its seriousness is often overlooked.  Bad breath, caused by bacteria, is usually the first sign of this condition.  If left untreated, bacteria can spread through the blood stream and cause damage to the heart, kidneys, liver, and other organs.  Other signs of periodontal disease include bleeding gums, poor appetite, facial swelling, or increased drooling.  Your pet is never too old for routine dental care. 

Siena Animal Health’s dental services include dental scale, digital dental x-rays, polish, fluoride, and sealant application. All teeth are checked by your veterinarian.  If necessary, extractions are performed.    We include aggressive pain management for all dental disease. 

For the month of February, Siena Animal Hospital is offering dramatic discounts for these dental cleanings while maintaining high quality care.  Call Siena Animal Hospital at 702-258-0006 today to schedule for a free dental exam or discounted dental treatment today!